Friday, November 23, 2018

Herman Handler - Census Records, 1910 and 1920

Previous posts about Herman Handler:

Herman Handler ~ Naturalization Record
Herman Handler ~ Birth Record
Herman Handler ~ Passenger List
Herman Handler ~ Marriages and Divorces 
Herman Handler ~ Draft Card WWI


At first I couldn't find Herman Handler in the 1910 U.S. Census. He was easy to find in the 1920 census with wife and children, so I did some creative searching in 1910 and found his young family in Detroit, Michigan. It's no wonder I couldn't find Herman Handler; for some unknown reason, he was enumerated as Wilbur Handler.

1910 U.S. census, Wayne County, Michigan, population schedule, Detroit Ward 10, enumeration district (ED) 155, sheet 12B, dwelling 253, family 279, Wilbur [sic] Handler; image, ( accessed 30 August 2018); citing NARA microfilm publication T624, roll 684.

Although the head of this household was "Wilbur," everything else matches the expected information for Herman Handler. He was 27 years old (implying a birth year of about 1882-1883) and born in "Hun. Magyar" (Magyar is another term for ethnic Hungarian), as were both his parents. He immigrated in 1903, had his papers (the first step to becoming naturalized), and was able to speak English. He worked as a Presser in the clothing industry, working for himself. He had not been out of work for the entire previous year. He could read and write and he rented his home at 1031 Fourteenth Avenue, which appears to have eight apartments in it, based on what is seen on the full census page.

Wife, Sarah, was 20 years old (implying a birth year of about 1889-1890) and born in "Aust. German" as were both her parents. "Aust" would refer to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire which, before World War I, covered a large area of Europe. Sarah and Wilbur / Herman were in their first marriage (M1) and she had one child who was living. She immigrated in 1905 and spoke English. Note that as a woman, she didn't have any notation by her name for citizenship because her citizenship status derived from her husband's status.

They had one child, a "daughter" named Arthur. Note that all subsequent records reported Arthur as a male so this one instance where he is listed as a daughter is an anomaly. Arthur was listed with an age of 4/12, which suggests a birth date in December 1909. The birthplace was Michigan, implying that soon after Herman and Sarah married in Akron in February 1909, they moved to Michigan.

This is not the Arthur (born January 1910) who was the oldest son of Joseph and Lena Handler of Akron, nor was he Arthur (born January 1912), son of Sam and Sadie Handler of Cleveland.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Herman Handler ~ Draft Card WWI

The World War I Draft Card for Herman Handler confirms some information that I have previously found for him and adds to that information.

"World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918," digital image, Ancestry ( : accessed 12 November 2018), Herman Handler, serial no. 3604, order no. A7187, Draft Board 5, Summit County, Ohio;
citing World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, NARA microfilm publication M1509; Family History Library Roll No. 1819623.

Herman Handler lived at 107 S. Portage Path, Akron, Ohio. He was 36 years old, born 10 February 1882 and is a naturalized citizen. His occupation is Saloon Business and he lists "none" for employer's name, suggesting he was the owner of a saloon, which was located at 1223 Sweitzer Ave., Akron. Herman's nearest relative was Sarah Handler at 107 S. Portage Path, Akron. The description of Herman notes that he was tall, with blue eyes and dark hair.

Herman's draft registration was part of the third registration, in September 1918, just a couple of months before the war ended.

Out of curiosity, I looked back at Joe Handler's World War I Draft Card. (He also lived in Akron at this time.)