Monday, July 9, 2018

Sali Handler's Birth Record

As I noted in a previous post about Regina Handler, I have several images of records from Erdevik, Serbia, and Ilok, Croatia. These communities were both part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the 19th and early 20th centuries and part of Yugoslavia for a good part of the 20th century - see Mappy Monday for details.

The following record is a collection of Jewish births from the Ilok, Croatia, Office of the Registrar (according to the Hungarian Databases at JewishGen).

There are five Handler births listed on this birth register and they "belong" to two different, yet related, families. This record is not an original source since the births are recorded in order by family; they must have been copied from other records. The births range in date from March 1849 to November 1854, but this is likely the closest I'm going to get to determining birth information for these relatives of my husband.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Mappy Monday ~ Where the Handlers Were From

Because I am sharing images of vital records for my husband's Handler family, I thought I should refresh my memory (and that of my readers) as to the area that the family lived in.

Surname Saturday ~ Handler Family of Yugoslavia is where I shared the following series of maps showing the border changes.

Macrohistory: Worldhistory is where I found a changing map of Europe from WWI to 2000. I took screen shots and showed where Ilok is situated: at the point of the arrow in each map.

1914: Ilok was in Hungary (Austro-Hungarian Empire)

1919-1938: Ilok was in Yugoslavia

1956: Ilok was still in Yugoslavia

2000: Ilok is now in Croatia, just north of the Serbian border.
