
Monday, May 16, 2016

USCIS C-File for Morris Goldstein ~ His Letter to Washington, D.C.

I am sharing documents that I received as part of the USCIS C-File for Morris Goldstein, my husband's grandfather. I first shared a 1918 Certificate of Citizenship for a Rhode Island Morris Goldstein and the replacement 1931 Certificate for Pop-pop (as he was known to his grandchildren).

I have concluded that this file has combined two men of the same name, born within a few months of each other in 1897. One immigrated to Boston in August 1913 and the other to New York City in August 1914.

Additional documents in this file include the July 1918 petition for naturalization for Morris Goldstein of Central Falls, Rhode Island, where he states that he was born in Brest, Russia. His occupation was "Machinist." (This signature looks like "signature #1" in the previous post: Comparing Signatures.)

Pop-pop was a tailor and spent his entire working life in the garment industry in New York City and in Woodbine, New Jersey.

Letterhead from March 5, 1931 letter
The C-File file also includes most of the correspondence that Pop-pop had with government officials as he tried to get a replacement citizenship certificate. There is a March 5, 1931, letter from a Major General at the War Department letting him know that "No record has been found in this office of the naturalization papers of Morris Goldstein, Army Serial No. 4,489,126." (This serial number agrees with the abstract of his service that I shared in January 2014.) He is instructed to contact the Commissioner of Naturalization, Department of Labor, Washington, D.C.

On March 9, 1931, Morris follows this general's instructions as to whom to contact next. Unfortunately the bottom of the letter is cut off, so we can't see the signature.

His oldest grandson is able to tell me that this letter was written by Rose (Levitt) Goldstein, Morris' wife. Rose was born and educated in the U.S. and so probably had a better command of the English language and how to communicate with government officials.

Woodbine, New Jersey
March 9, 1931

Commissioner of Naturalization
Washington, D. C.

[additional notation: 2853 / C_984234]

Dear Sir:
   I have written to the War Department concerning Naturalization Papers which I have lost during my stay in Camp Jackson, South Carolina.
   In turn they have referred me to you. I am enclosing their reply.
   Kindly advise what should be done concerning this matter.
   Thanking you very kindly I am yours truly [presumably signed Morris Goldstein]


Is this all that's needed? See the next post at USCIS C-File for Morris Goldstein ~ The Applications and find out what else he had to do.

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