
Friday, May 20, 2016

USCIS C-File for Morris Goldstein ~ The Applications

When I last wrote about Morris Goldstein's C-File, I said that there was more work he had to do to obtain the replacement citizenship certificate that he wanted (and presumably needed).

The next documents are two applications with the same heading (see image) - one handwritten and another typed. There was a $10 fee for obtaining this replacement Certificate of Citizenship.

The handwritten application is dated 18th day of April 1931.

This is Morris Goldstein's signature and someone else's handwritten "Woodbine, N.J." which is in different handwriting than in the previous post (which was his wife's handwriting), so perhaps he dictated it to the notary public who notarized the application.

There is an undated letter from the Commissioner of Naturalization (U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Naturalization) which states that the naturalization paper is being returned to "be amended and promptly returned to this office." Three months later, there is a typed application.

This second application is dated 13th day of July 1931, and has a few differences from the handwritten copy. I share the meat of the document here.

1. My full true name is Morris Goldstein
2. I now reside at Woodbine, Cape May Co., N.J.
3. My personal description is: Age 33 [crossed out and 34 written in] years; sex male; color white; complexion dark; color of eyes gray; color of hair black; height 5 feet 7 ½ inches; weight 165 pounds; visible distinctive marks scar middle of forehead.
4. Marital Status married; race Hebrew; former nationality Rumanian [crossed out and Russia written in]; My {declaration of intention / certificate of naturalization} numbered ____, was issued to me by ____ Court at Camp Jackson S. Carolina on August 1918.
5. Such paper became lost on or about September 1918 At Camp Jackson under the following circumstances: I was sent to the hospital in the camp and during my stay there the paper was lost or stolen from me. I left them with my other equipment in my tent and when I returned from the hospital everything was gone. I tried to trace them but could locate nothing. [Much more detailed than on the handwritten copy.]
6. In case such paper should be recovered and come into my possession and control, or I ascertain its whereabouts, I will report the facts and will surrender such paper to the Commissioner of Naturalization immediately.
7. I was born at Jassy Rumania, on December 12, 1897. [This doesn’t agree with the April 20, 1897, birthdate I’ve found everywhere else.]
8. I arrived in the United States at New York N.Y. on August 9, 1913. [Close – I found he arrived on August 3, 1913; see Passenger List for Morris Goldstein and his sister.]
                                                             [signed] Morris Goldstein
State of New Jersey )
County of Cape May ) ss.                    Woodbine, N.J.

His replacement Certificate of Citizenship was issued on the 30th day of July 1931.


After transcribing these documents (a great way to really understand them), I'm sure that Morris and Rose knew that this wasn't really his, but he had the certificate and they weren't going to try to argue with the Department of Naturalization.

I'm still curious and plan to follow up and see if there might be another avenue of research for the USCIS to explore.

See the previous posts in the series here:
USCIS C-File for Morris Goldstein
USCIS C-File for Morris Goldstein ~ Comparing Signatures
USCIS C-File for Morris Goldstein ~ His Letter to Washington, D.C.

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