DNA Resources

The following blogs are primarily about genetic genealogy and are a wealth of information:
Cece Moore blogs at Your Genetic Genealogist
Blaine Bettinger blogs at The Genetic Genealogist
Roberta Estes blogs at DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy
Kitty Munson Cooper blogs at Kitty Cooper's Blog
Leah Larkin blogs at The DNA Geek
Jim Bartlett blogs at segment-ology
Diahan Southard is Your DNA Guide
Judy Russell blogs about DNA on Sundays at The Legal Genealogist. One good one of Judy's is DNA basics for a sound foundation (from January 2017)
"Can I Transfer my autosomal DNA data from company A to site B?" Read Autosomal DNA Transfers at The DNA Geek
Also see DNA Testing and Transfers at DNAExplained.

These blogs include great posts about Jewish genetic genealogy:
Lara's Jewnealogy by Lara Diamond
All My Foreparents by Israel Pickholtz

Webinars/Videos about DNA:
Legacy Family Tree Webinars has 46 recorded webinars about DNA as of May 2018. As of March 2020, they have 159 recorded webinars. Update (as of May 2024): Legacy Family Tree Webinars now has 280 recorded webinars about DNA and several are free. If you subscribe, you can view any of them at any time. If you don't subscribe, you can still search for a few of the free ones and be on the lookout for their upcoming webinars, which are free for viewing by anyone for a week after their broadcast.

At YouTube:
Autosomal DNA: A Step-by-step Approach, with Maurice Gleeson
Also search YouTube for genetic genealogy. There are lots of videos there. Change your search terms to narrow down search results to mtDNA, Y-DNA, or atDNA.

Third Party Tools:
GEDmatch: A website that provides tools (some free, some premium) for DNA and genealogical analysis. By uploading your DNA raw data file to this website, you can explore matches with others who have uploaded from other websites.
DNAPainter: A website where you can "paint" your chromosomes. Also has the shared cM Project and WATO: What Are The Odds tool.
Genetic Affairs: The AutoCluster tool graphically organizes your DNA matches into shared match clusters.
Leeds Method of DNA Color Clustering: Similar to what the AutoCluster tool does automatically, this method, which I did in Excel, helps visualize how close cousins are related to each other and to you.
Maguire Method: Using a simple tree to display shared cM data among a group of related individuals.

You might also be interested in my DNA Resources page at my other blog: From Maine to Kentucky: DNA Resources

My blog posts about DNA are linked below, including the dates of the posts. I try to be informative as I write about DNA; it is a complex subject and it takes time to really understand how to use it for genealogy.

Testing at AncestryDNA:

AncestryDNA ~ One Jewish Result (July 2012)
AncestryDNA Updates Ethnicity Results ~ Jewish Results (October 2013)
AncestryDNA Genetic Communities (April 2017)

Testing at FamilyTreeDNA:

Y-DNA and Haplogroup Result (December 2013)
Y-DNA Haplogroup for Morris Goldstein (September 2016)

Autosomal (atDNA) testing at FamilyTreeDNA:

Connecting with a Segal Cousin (December 2014)
One Jewish Family's DNA Ethnicity Results (April 2016)
Jewish DNA and Endogamy ~ One Example (March 2017)
DNA ~ Grandparents and Grandsons (January 2018)
Analyzing a DNA Match (February 2018)
Analyzing a DNA Match - Who is the Common Ancestor (February 2018)

Analyzing Results at GEDmatch.com:

DNA ~ Second Cousin Results at AncestryDNA and GEDmatch (July 2016)
DNA ~ Chromosome Browser and Endogamy (July 2016)

Information About GEDmatch from ISOGG:

International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG) Wiki, which includes links to informational blog posts. Included is a post from Roots Revealed: DNA Begging Letter, which has reasons why to upload your DNA to GEDmatch and links to other posts about "how to upload your DNA" for each of the testing companies.

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