
Monday, July 9, 2018

Sali Handler's Birth Record

As I noted in a previous post about Regina Handler, I have several images of records from Erdevik, Serbia, and Ilok, Croatia. These communities were both part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the 19th and early 20th centuries and part of Yugoslavia for a good part of the 20th century - see Mappy Monday for details.

The following record is a collection of Jewish births from the Ilok, Croatia, Office of the Registrar (according to the Hungarian Databases at JewishGen).

There are five Handler births listed on this birth register and they "belong" to two different, yet related, families. This record is not an original source since the births are recorded in order by family; they must have been copied from other records. The births range in date from March 1849 to November 1854, but this is likely the closest I'm going to get to determining birth information for these relatives of my husband.

Croatia, Office of the registrar, Ilok, Birth Record [or Hungarian Jewish Births?], page 2, numbers 35-39, birth records for Leopold Händler, Fani Händler, Sali Händler, Leopold Händler, and Philip Händler (1849-1854).

The first three births are for children of Herman Händler and Hani Stern. They lived in Szot, Szerem, Hungary (now in Serbia). The next two births are for children of Adolf Händler and Katy Fuchs who lived in Lyuba, Szerem, Hungary (now in Croatia). Herman and Adolf were brothers; sons of Leopold Händler, who presumably died in late 1848 or early 1849 since both Herman and Adolf named a son Leopold.

Line 35 (birth of my husband's second great-uncle):
Name: Leopold Händler
Date of Birth: March 15, 1849
Sex: Male
Name of father: Herman Händler
Name of mother: Hani Stern
Parents' Home [and presumed birth place]: Szot
Midwife: Klaroske [?]
Date of Bris/Circumcision: March 22 [1849]
Witness: Adolf Händler [Herman's brother]

Line 36 (birth of my husband's second great-aunt):
Name: Fani Händler
Date of Birth: December 4, 1851
Sex: Female
Name of father: Herman Händler
Name of mother: Hani Stern
Parents' Home [and presumed birth place]: Szot
Midwife: Klaroske [?]
Naming date: December 15 [1851]

Line 37 (birth of my husband's great-grandmother):
Name: Sali Händler
Date of Birth: November 26, 1854
Sex: Female
Name of father: Herman Händler
Name of mother: Hani Stern
Parents' Home [and presumed birth place]: Szot
Midwife: Klaroske [?]
Naming date: December 3 [1854]

Line 38 (birth of my husband's grandfather's much older half-brother):
Name: Leopold Händler
Date of Birth: September 14, 1849
Sex: Male
Name of father: Adolf Händler
Name of mother: Katy Fuchs
Parents' Home [and presumed birth place]: Lyuba
Midwife: Mari
Date of Bris/Circumcision: September 21 [1849]
Witness: Jakob Fuchs [presumably Katy's father]

Line 39 (birth of another of my husband's grandfather's much older half-brother):
Name: Philip Händler
Date of Birth: October 23, 1852
Sex: Male
Name of father: Adolf Händler
Name of mother: Kati Fuchs
Parents' Home [and presumed birth place]: Lyuba
Midwife: Mari
Date of Bris/Circumcision: October 30 [1852]
Witness: Salamon S____?

Adolf Händler, after the death of first wife Kati/Katy Fuchs, married Sali Händler and fathered four children with her: Rosi, Josef, Salomon, and Resi, the three youngest of whom immigrated to America and became Joseph, Sam, and Regina.

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