
Saturday, June 2, 2012

One Blogging Year into this Journey

I started this blog one year ago as a separate blog from my first one (From Maine to Kentucky), because researching my husband's ancestors is quite different from researching mine. During this year, in addition to being able to share family information based on research I had done over the past several years, I also was able to share documents, photographs, and stories newly discovered this year.

Through Blogger, I am able to view some basic statistics about which of my posts are most often viewed.

The top five blog posts by number of views are:
  1. Amanuensis Monday ~ Max Levitt's Death Certificate - I'm not sure why this is the most popular of the posts. Although this document provided me with a father's name, the mother's name is "unknown."
  2. Military Monday ~ WWII brothers die in action - This doesn't surprise me. Stories of brothers dying in any war are poignant and I'm glad that I am able to keep these men's memories alive.
  3. Tuesday's Tip: Passenger Lists... - This was number one for quite awhile. This is a post where I made discoveries as I wrote because I was analyzing the documents so closely. I feel that it is a good example of what you can find when you analyze passenger lists very closely.
  4. Tombstone Tuesday ~ Woodbine Brotherhood Cemetery (Part 2) - This is the second of three posts I wrote about family members buried in a small Jewish cemetery in New Jersey. I'll venture a guess that this one is more popular than the others because of the additional Hebrew on these stones for which I was able to obtain a translation.
  5. Josef Handler's Naturalization papers - This shows what a treasure naturalization papers can be. I was thrilled to find digitized naturalization papers at Fold3 for my husband's grandfather which included birth dates for his older siblings.
Although I was hoping to post once a week (on average), this is the 46th post of my first year, so I didn't quite keep up that pace. I hope to continue at a pace of about one post a week.

Thanks to geneabloggers in general and Geneabloggers, the website, for the support and encouragement to share family stories for my husband's family and others to enjoy. Thank you to the distant cousins who have reached out to me and shared what they could. And thank you to those of you who continue to read my blog; I hope you've been enjoying it and continue to read it!


  1. Happy anniversary! I'm enjoying your stories about the journey.

  2. Happy Blogiversary! Congratulations on one year completed!

  3. Congratulations, Elizabeth! To me there's no better self-education that analyzing and presenting ones findings for others. Continue enjoying the journey!

  4. Thank you for reading and your blogiversary wishes! I'm enjoying this journey.
