
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Sympathy Saturday ~ Adolf Handler's Death Record

As I recently noted, a researcher in Šid, Serbia, contacted me via JewishGen's Family Finder and shared with me some digital images from the local archives.

This is the death record for my husband's great grandfather, Aron / Adolf Handler. When he died, he left several adult children, but also four young children from his second wife: Rose, Josef, Sam, and Regina.

Again, I have taken the long horizontal entry and split it into two pieces for easier reading. And again, I got help with the translation from Google Translate.

The handwritten entries are in blue. My comments or questions are in [square brackets.]
death records
current number = 125
full name of deceased = Adolf Händler
   month = Veljača = February
   day = 27
   year = 1900
birth place = Bonyhad [which is in Hungary]
viewpoint or interest [does this indicate occupation? Too bad it's blank.]
sex = m(ale)

single / married / widower = oženj (married)
date of death
   years = 85 god. [85 years old; he was born about 1815!]
death location = Ilok
burial location = Ilok
Disease and death according to medical examiner = Pneumonia calurrh [?] = pneumonia
remarks = rod. mjesto u Bonyhad ugarsku = Adolf Händler's birthplace was Bonyhad.

There is a Jewish cemetery in Ilok. Just about all of the text on the gravestones is in Hebrew.

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