
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Celebrating Blogiversary #4

This is blog post number 164 over the past four years. Although I have not blogged as much recently, I still enjoy writing about my husband's Jewish ancestry (in Eastern Europe and America), and often try to fit in a post that can be helpful to other researchers using these not as common or more challenging resources.

There were two big finds during this past year:

First, I believe I found the family of my mother-in-law's grandfather, Max Levitt, in HusiatyƄ, Galicia. See:

My Best Recent Genea-Prize
Levitas / Lewites from Austria
Mappy Monday - HusiatyƄ

Second, having a second cousin find my blog and contact me was great. When I learned that he made a video recording interview of his aunts (and my father-in-law's first cousins) and posted it on YouTube as Mishpacha Tapes Helen and Esther 1988, that was icing on the cake! See:

Connecting with a Handler Cousin: Blog as Cousin Bait for the first post about this connection. I have tagged all my blog posts mentioning this 1988 video with Mishpacha Tape. I plan to share more about this tape.

I also connected with a fourth cousin on the Segal line through DNA testing. See Connecting With a Segal Cousin to read about our meeting.

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you continue to read and enjoy!


  1. Happy blogiversary and many more! I always get pleasure from your finds and your helpful tips.

    1. Marian, thank you for continuing to follow my blog and for your comment. Glad you enjoy the blog!

  2. Happy Blog Anniversary! This is my first visit here but it certainly won't be my last. Excuse me while I browse through your posts.

    1. Colleen, I hope you enjoyed browsing my posts! Thank you for reading and commenting.

  3. Happy anniversary, Elizabeth! (I'm a little behind schedule reading blogs I am following). I have enjoyed your adventures in family history. Hope we can connect again at a future IAJGS (or other) conference.

    1. Emily, thank you for the comment. I enjoyed your posts from IAJGS. Yes, hopefully we'll connect again at a future conference.
