
Thursday, August 1, 2013

IAJGS Conference Next Week

I plan to attend most of the IAJGS (International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies) Conference in Boston next week. I figured that since I live in suburban Boston I should take advantage of the fact that this annual international conference is a commuter rail ride away from where I live. See IAJGS2013 for all the details.

I hope to learn from some of the best Jewish genealogists in the field and explore some new strategies to figure out some of the puzzles in my husband's ancestry. I also look forward to meeting some fellow geneabloggers and networking with other genealogists.

Will I see you there?


  1. I envy you. I hoped to attend, but because of vacations, scheduling. etc., have decided against it. I was happy to discover they will be offering some portions online, so I may sign up for that. I do hope you write a blog post about your experience. I'd love to read it.

    1. Sorry you can't make it. I will try to have a blog post about any exciting things I learn at the conference.

  2. Replies
    1. There will be quite a crowd, but I do hope to meet other Jewish Geneabloggers there! Thanks for commenting!

  3. Hope to meet you there, Elizabeth!
